Monday, July 18, 2016

Summer projects

Just a short check in.  This summer has been an adventure in trying new techniques, specifically in the area of wet felting.  For a long time, I have been wanting to learn how to make felted hats and felted flowers. I bought a wooden hat block at Convergence in Vancouver (2002?) but had never used it.  I tried the template that came with the hat block and did not like the result.  Then, I watched a few YouTube videos but they were way too basic. So tenacious as I am when I want to learn something, I just decided to wing it to see if I could teach myself.  Here are a few of my "experiments". 

This last hat with the bright red flower, won a blue ribbon at Black Sheep Gathering, which made me very happy.  

Then on to some different materials and techniques.

This reminds me of the bark on some eucalyptus trees.

These fabric pieces remind me looking in ocean tide pools.

Could not capture the jewel tones and texture of these pieces, but I love them.
Exploration continues!


Robyn said...

Wow Lori - these all look gorgeous! Keep experimenting and exploring....can't wait to see what else you come up with.

ARTISUN said...

Wow, Lori, those hats are super cool, keep on going!! And check out Australian Artist Pam Degroot, she does a lot of cool things with felt.