Friday, February 01, 2013

Just Stuff

I finished knitting my Embossed Leaves socks last night.  Just love this pattern.  It goes so quickly and is so easy.  Now I'm pawing around in my stash to see what handspun yarn I have that would look good knitted into another pair of socks.  Anyone who knits socks knows that it can be addicting. 

I was very excited yesterday when I saw a box from Amazon in the mail.  This meant my new book had arrived:  "The Spinner's Book of Yarn Designs" by the amazing spinner, Sarah Anderson. I had the pleasure of taking a week-long workshop with Sarah at Golden Gate Fiber Institute a few summers ago. One of the best workshop instructors I have had. 

I haven't had a chance to read it yet, but I did look through it.  It looks like a fabulous book.  I had a delightful surprise when I got to page 84.  There is pictured a knitted scarf using the ruffled Helix scarf from the Spring 2011 issue of SpinOff magazine, which featured about 10 different versions of Helix submitted by readers.   The particular scarf in Sarah's book was knit using my version accepted by SpinOff that included a picot edge.  

Have to share a yummy recipe.  A couple weekends ago, I went to the monthly spinning group that I belong to -- down in San Diego County --  and we meet at a different spinner's home every month.  At each meeting, we have a potluck lunch and we usually do vegetarian fare since a couple of the women are vegetarians.  Shelly, our hostess, made a wonderful soup.  It was so delicious, I got the receipe and made in the next week.  

And a happy winter scene from the beach in San Clemente.  While ice storms rage in other parts of the country, we always get a few days of summer-like weather in January and February.  Just a teaser, though.  It doesn't last, but when it's here, we do take advantage of enjoying our good fortunes.  

Busy planning summer activities.  My friend, Margie, and I will travel to Sewanee, TN, in June to take a weeklong workshop with Rebecca Burgess on natural dyeing at the Shakerag workshops.  Really get excited when plane and rental car reservations are in place.  WooHoo!! 


  1. Socks came out great! Can't wait to see that book, can you bring it down with you next time?

  2. Hi, Maggie -- I will bring the book to our spin group so you can take a look.
