Sunday, March 25, 2012

Liebster Blog Award

A warm and fuzzy hug to Debra Price-Agrums of Artisun blog fame, who has awarded me the Liebster Award.  This award is given to bloggers who motivate and inspire and who have less than 200 followers, the idea being to foster new connections in the blogging community.  The award takes its name from the German word "Liebster" which translates to "beloved, dearest or favorite".  I am very honored to receive this award, especially from a fellow artist who is such an inspiration to me.  Debra is an amazing art teacher who works tirelessly to draw out the creative spirit of her students.  You can visit her blog to see her own work and that of her students at:

This is how the Liebster Award works.  As part of the tradition, the award is passed along to 5 bloggers (with less than 200 followers) that have inspired you.  A few rules for the recipient which comes with acceptance of the award:

-- Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.

-- Post the award to your blog.

-- Reveal your own 5 picks for the award and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.

According to the rules, I now pick 5 blogs to give the Liebster award to.  My 5 picks are:

**Michelle Hoffee -- a fellow fiber artist and very good friend from Northern San Diego County.  Michelle is one of the most creative artsy people I know and I am constantly bowled over by the amazing fiber art pieces and wearables she comes up with.  Michelle spins, dyes, felts and knits.  I always make sure to click on her Flicker account when I visit her blog to see what work she's posted there.  Michelle's blog is at:

**Sarah of Hand Stitch blog.  Sarah, from central Oregon, is one of the most prolific knitters I know. She spins, too.  I am always heading over to her blog to see what she has created and what she's writing about.  I scratch my head and wonder when does she have time to sleep, maybe the days in Oregon have more hours than mine.  Sarah's blog can be found at:  

**Robyn Love -- a fellow fiber artist.  Robyn hails from Queens, NY, as well as Gillams on the Bay of Islands in Newfoundland, Canada.  Robyn has been involved in a number of fiber installations including "The Knitted Mile". In September 2011, she participated in "The Avenue of Trees" in Cheongju,  S. Korea, which consisted of handknit and crocheted squares tied to sycamore trees along a 5 kilometer roadway. Robyn collected squares from over 140 knitters and crocheters.  She seems to have boundless energy, and I'm always eager to see what she's up to.  Robyn's blog can be found at:

**Sara Forte --  I was turned on to Sara's blog by my 20-something son, Dana, who said I had to go see the great recipes at Sprouted Kitchen. Sara's recipes are mostly vegetarian and use healthy food stuffs -- her philosophy being to use seasonal, organic and local ingredients. Sara has now authored the Sprouted Kitchen Cook Book and has inspired me to cook more vegetarian fare because she makes it look so darn yummy.

**Helena Stewart -- I recently found Helena's knitting blog, Ignorant Bliss.  What a delight. She seems to be another prolific knitter and I love to see the many beautiful projects she posts on her blog. It's quite fun and gets me into the mood to start a new project.  Helena's blog is at:

Note:  There is no obligation should any of you not wish to participate -- simply know that you are very much appreciated out there in the blogging world.

And I hope all of you out there enjoy these women and visiting their blogs as much as I do.

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