Yesterday, I wove the second scarf off the warp I had put on my loom. This time, I used a hand-dyed variegated wool yarn from Plain and Fancy Wool Co. This was a laceweight and in their colorway "Stained Glass". I bought this yarn at the Taos Wool Festival in 2008. I wove this one longer so it was 92" long before finishing and 8" wide.
Here is the scarf just off the loom -- very see through and gauzy.
After fulling it, I have set it out on the rack to dry in the warm breeze.
After fulling, this scarf shrunk to 82" in length and 6" in width. It has a nice drapey hand.
Here is a close up.
I just love weaving with the Habu yarns with stainless steel in them. And so . . . I'm off to warp the loom again, but with some other Habu yarns in my stash.
All the scarves and felt are lovely! I still haven't had a moment to finish my vest and am very envious of your body of work!