Friday, July 04, 2008

Well, it's the Fourth and I have no desire to go out anywhere because of the hordes of people that will be down at the beach. It's very hot inland and looks like it's nice and cooler along the coast. So, we're just going to enjoy our lovely backyard and barbeque something later in the day -- something healthy. What I wouldn't give for a high cholesterol hotdog with sweet onions and mustard. Luckily, we can see fireworks from our backyard, so we're set for the day.

The other night, I finished the pair of Shortie Entrelac Sox I was knitting with the yarn I spun from Sandy's superwash Corriedale. The roving spun so easily and I love the yarn. Here the finished product:

And a close up of the second sock.

You know how much I love to spin. Here's a basket of some of the yarns I have spun over the past few months.

The loveliness of handspun yarn is why I try to encourage people to give handspinning a try. You just can't buy commercial yarns like these. I hope this gives those who have been thinking about at least trying handspinning a good kick in the rear to get motivated.
And finally, here's a little treasure bag that I have knit with some of my handspun. This is a "Strawberry" patch bag, designed to hold a certain little red headed lady's tooth when it's time to place it under the pillow for the tooth fairy. I've had many requests for my treasure bag pattern and hope to have it in my Etsy store soon.

Hope everyone has a great and very safe Fourth of July.


  1. Oh my, everything you put your hands to is a piece of beauty! I would positively faint in the presence of your basket of handspun, I do believe.

  2. that little bag is just precious! can't wait to see the pattern!

  3. and the socks!! really look great!!
