Paul and I had a "labor" day weekend in the literal sense, redoing my whole dye and work studio. Saturday early evening, I dragged the poor guy over to IKEA to purchase a couple of freestanding kitchen type cabinets for my studio, and we loaded them up into the VW van -- the old work horse. It is so wonderful to have a spouse who is supportive of your dreams and endeavors. We "stopped by" the new mega Whole Foods Market in Tustin -- a total mob scene on a Saturday night -- and got totally lost trying to get there. What was supposed to be a quick trip up to IKEA and back turned into more than 4 hours; we ended up home at 9:30 p.m., starving and eating a very late dinner. I really do push my luck sometimes.
Next day on Sunday, in the sweltering 106 degree weather, I cleaned out, vacuumed and reorganized my sunroom studio and got it ready. I sucked up more dust bunnies than you can imagine.
Paul spent most of the day and way into the evening assembling my two new cabinets. IKEA is famous for bags and bags of screws and whatnots. [That's why their stuff is so affordable.] You always cross your fingers that every little nut and bolt is there so you don't have to make the dreaded trek back to IKEA. Finally everything was put together and we darn near busted our backs moving these monsters into the sunroom.
Yahoo! On Monday, the room was all done and ready. I'm so organized! It looks very good and the new set up makes working out there so easy. I spent the "cooler" morning skeing out yarn and then the rest of the oppressively hot day, in and out of the pool in the 106 degree heat and then crocheting under a big umbrella. I managed to stay cool and maintain my sanity.
Well, here's some of the yarn I skeined up for my September 15th trunk show at La Petite Knitterie. Lots of good Fall sock yarns, angora, alpaca, silk, and merino/silk. There will be other new things to come, too.
Don't you just love Ikea! We have the Billy Book Cases and CD holders and will add to the group later this month. I would give the Whole Foods a few weeks to calm down before going back and then I would try a weekday first. The new cabinets look wonderful in your fiber studio. Can't wait to see the trunk show on the 15th.